A highly successful plant manager once said that one of the secrets to great manufacturing is to do simple things exceptionally well. In other words – great results can come from mastering a simple technique and applying it consistently.
This page outlines a powerful way of using this exact idea to reduce downtime and increase output (i.e., improve manufacturing productivity).
One of the most powerful ways to reduce downtime is for each of your line teams to identify and fix one problem each day. One small, incremental win that can be identified and fixed within the same day – today. The key to success is to follow these three simple steps to make it happen:
Does it work? Absolutely! In many cases, OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) has improved by 10% or more when managers consistently apply this strategy over a period of at least three months.
The best way to make this happen is to head to the factory floor and ask three simple questions (one for each step) that lead to one specific action. Here are some examples:
1. Learn more about how our product, Vorne XL, can help you eliminate waste and significantly improve OEE.
Vorne XL is the simplest and fastest way to monitor and improve production. It's a one-time cost and takes just a day to install. And you can try it completely free for 90 days.
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